Interview, People

The Zero Waste Teen / ゼロウェイストな暮らしを発信するアメリカのティーンエイジャー


今回は、ゼロウェイストなライフスタイルの発信活動をしている「The Zero Waste Teen(ゼロウェイストティーン)」こと、Ava Langridge(エイヴァ・ラングリッジ)さんを紹介します!



Our Youth 4 The Climate(エイヴァさんが立ち上げた団体)


エイヴァさんは、インスタグラムでゼロウェイストな暮らしを送るためのヒントを発信しているアメリカ人コンテンツ・クリエイター。またエイヴァさんは、「Our Youth 4 The Climate(OY4C)」という、気候変動についての教育を皆に届けることを目標にした団体の設立者で、環境活動家でもあります。
また、Our Youth 4 The Climateの活動もとてもアツいです!エイヴァさんは気候変動に関する教育の場が不足していると感じ、この団体を立ち上げました。これはアメリカだけでなく世界にも広がっている団体になっており、世界13カ国にコミュニティがあります。残念ながら日本にはまだありませんが、エイヴァさんはこの団体の活動として気候変動に関する無料ズーム授業を毎週開催しており、世界のどこからでも参加可能となっています。


Q. 自己紹介をお願いします!
また、私はOur Youth 4 The Climate(OY4C)という、グローバルな草の根教育運動の設立者でもあります。ここでの目標は、若者たちが自分たちの声を使ってシステム改革を提唱できるようにすることです。

Q. どうして環境活動を始めたんですか?

Q. ムーブメントを起こすためにまず最初に何をしましたか?

Q. インフルエンサーとしてしていることは?

Q. Our Youth 4 The Climateの設立者としてしていることは?

Q. 若者が簡単にできるゼロウェイストな暮らしのコツを教えてください。

  1. もともと自分が持っているものから始めてみてください。新しいものを買う前に再使用したり、もう1回違う方法で使えないか考えてみてください。
  2. サステナブルな暮らしは、妥協を許さないものではないということを覚えておいてください。誠実にベストを尽くすだけで充分です。小さな習慣から始めて、難しめな習慣には時間をかけて挑戦していってください。
  3. 友達や家族に対しては、皆さんが模範となる行動を示してあげてください。

Q. 活動を通して苦労したことはなんですか?

Q. 近い将来やりたいことを教えてください。

Q. 日本のZ世代へメッセージをお願いします。



ゼロウェイストとは・意味」IDEAS FOR GOOD

プラスチック・フリー生活 今すぐできる小さな革命」著・ シャンタル・プラモンドン、ジェイ・シンハ / 訳・服部 雄一郎

2022年の気候変動予測|気温上昇が続くことで予想される日本の未来」Green Growers



You’re eager to lead a zero-waste lifestyle but don’t know where to start? A perfect role model is here. Ava Langridge, also known as The Zero Waste Teen!

💐About Ava

The Zero Waste Teen

Our Youth 4 The Climate

💐Who is Ava, The Zero Waste Teen?

Ava is an American content creator who provides people with tips for zero-waste lifestyles on Instagram. Also, she’s an environmental activist who founded Our Youth 4 The Climate, a climate education-oriented organization.
Ever since she watched a YouTube video when she was 12, she started to lead a zero-waste lifestyle. She helped her family to transit to sustainable lifestyles too and created her Instagram account to inspire more people.
Of course, I’m a big fan of the account of The Zero Waste Teen as well as lots of people. I like her reels the most because they show us easy zero-waste lifestyle tips that we can easily do today. (Plus, I love Ava’s outfits in these videos!) Especially if you are in the same generation as her and me, you should check out her contents shortly because I’m sure you’ll be inspired too.
What she does in Our Youth 4 The Climate is also very cool. Ava established this organization after she recognized the lack of education on climate change. This movement has expanded not only in the US but also in many other countries in the world. In fact, the OY4C communities exist in about 13 countries. There’s no OY4C community in Japan yet, but you can participate in the weekly classes by Ava in whatever country you live. She teaches about climate change for free via ZOOM in these courses, and anyone can sign up on the website of OY4C. 
Now you can tell that Ava is a very passionate activist, right? I was fortunate enough to have an interview with her for this article and caught her enthusiasm a lot, so don’t forget to scroll down to read the interview part!

💐The Interview with Ava

Q1. Can you tell me about yourself?
Hi! My name is Ava Langridge, also known as The Zero Waste Teen, and I am an 18-year-old living a zero-waste lifestyle.
While I currently reside in California, in the fall, I will be moving to London to attend the University College London to study Earth Sciences or Geography.
I am a content creator (@the_zero_waste_teen) with the goal of providing education on environmentalism and achievable sustainable habits.
I am also the founder of Our Youth 4 The Climate (OY4C), a global grassroots education movement with the goal of empowering our youth to use their voices to advocate for systemic change. 

Q2. What was the reason you started this activity?
I started my zero waste journey with the intention of taking effective action in my everyday life. My family and I started at the same time, which helped me realize that I could offer support to others in their journey. 
In the process, I learned that zero-waste living wasn’t as complicated as it may have seemed.

Q3. What did you do first to start this movement?
I founded OY4C after I noticed a lack of accessible climate education. I offer weekly classes to those who take initiative in their climate education. 
From there, we have continued to expand with the goal of providing this type of education for as many people as possible

Q4. What do you do as an influencer?
I offer advice and tips for how to start living more sustainably. The long-term mission is to provide attainable tips so that individuals eventually feel empowered enough to take direct impact initiatives and actions. 

Q5. What do you do as a founder of Our Youth 4 The Climate?
I teach weekly, free classes via zoom about a variety of climate-related topics.
These courses are accessible to anyone that signs up.
[link on our website] 

Q6. Tell me easy zero-waste lifestyle tips for young people.

  1. Start with what you already own. Reuse and repurpose before buying new.
  2. Remember sustainable living shouldn’t be an all-or-nothing approach. Genuinely doing your best is enough. Start small and build harder habits over time.
  3. Lead by example when it comes to friends and family.

Q7. What were the difficulties you experienced through all of your activities?
Keeping people engaged. The environmental movement tends to lead to burnout. This is why I try to remind participants that doing their best is enough. It’s better to start small and maintain habits, than to try to do the absolute most from the start, and not make it past a month.

Q8. What do you want to do in the near future?
I hope to have a college move-in series and do public speaking. I have a lot of other plans which have not yet been disclosed once I move to London, This is for both The Zero Waste Teen account and OY4C.

Q9. Any message for Japanese Gen Zs?
It is possible. We just need you to take genuine action. Become a part of a group, something bigger. This will make everything not only feel more achievable but will have a much larger impact.

About Authors

Ethiteria運営者。長野県の高校に在籍しながらカナダの高校に通う高3。メディア運営、イベント開催、ポッドキャスト運営などを手がけたり、さまざまな課外活動を経験してきた。詳しくは「Our Story」へ。