
MOOD Deodorant / 香港のこだわりエシカルデオドラント[JPN/ENG]

Japanese ver.

今回は、香港のスキンケア製品ブランド・Coconut Matterさんより発売されている、MOOD Deodrantを紹介します!!

💐Coconut Matter / MOOD Natural Deodrantとは

Coconut Matterさんは、2015年に誕生した香港のコスメブランド。デオドラントやリップバーム、スクラブなど、スキンケア製品を主に取り扱われています。
Coconut Matterさんは、なんといっても、環境・社会に対する配慮が素晴らしいです。
MOOD Deodrantも、そんな魅力的な製品の1つです。夏よく皆が使っているデオドラントと違うのは、アルミフリーである点です。そのため従来の制汗剤と異なり、MOOD Deodrantには汗をかくのを止めてくれる機能が実はありません。汗をかくのは体温調節に役立ち、私たちの体にとって必要なことであるからです。


今回メンバーが試したのは、SPRING, ZEN, HEROの3種類。さまざまな面について、実際に使ってみての感想をまとめました!







日本円: 約¥2,040
香港ドル: $140.40




Instagram: @coconutmatter
Twitter: なし


English ver.

Are you sick about hot weather and uncomfortable sweat in summer? Here is the best product for you!
In this article, I’d like to introduce MOOD Deodrant, the most sustainable and amazing deodorant ever. They are on sale from Coconut Matter, a beauty brand founded in Hong Kong!

💐 What is Coconut Matter / MOOD Natural Deodorant? 

Coconut Matter was born in Hong Kong in 2015. They mainly handle skincare products such as deodorants, lip balms and scrubs.
Their products are attractive in their smells or designs. Their packaging is sophisticated and stylish so that you feel happy when you carry them around.
However, I’ve been even more impressed with their attitude to the environment and society.

Here are their advantages;
🍀 Vegan 
🍀 Cruelty-Free (Non-Animal Testing)
🍀 Fair Trade and Organic Coconut Oil Used
🍀 Package is Zero-Waste, Plastic Free

We can see that they had been putting a lot of effort to make their products sustainable and ethical. I am now respectful to people who developed these amazing products.
MOOD Deodorant is one of their most popular products. Unlike conventional deodorants, they are aluminum-free which means they have no ability to “stop” our sweat. Actually, sweat plays a vital role in our body because it helps regulate our body temperatures.
But the smell of sweat is still annoying, right?
Interestingly, sweat does not have an unpleasant odour on its own, but only when the bacteria on the skin produce acid. MOOD Deodorants include 19 kinds of plant and mineral ingredients, and they act directly on the bacteria to cover up the bad smell of sweat. So if you use these deodorants, you don’t have to worry anymore about the smell when you are very sweating!


We tried three types of smell, SPRING, ZEN, and HERO.
We have summarized the impressions of actually using it on some aspects!

The colour of the packaging is more natural, not too vivid. They are much more lovely than conventional flashy ones!

-Natural Scent
Many of the conventional deodorants have a too intense scent, but this MOOD Deodorant has nice scent which is not too strong. It can be used comfortably every day!

-When you apply it on your skin, the deodorant bar may fall off unintentionally. 

-High Performance to Prevent Unpleasant Odours!
The best point is that the smell of sweat is never get bad all day. Compared to other coconut balm deodorants, a good scent lasts for a very long period. Although there might be individual differences, it has a definate high performance to prevent unpleasant smell. 
Personally, I believe it can prevent odours more than conventional products containing various chemical substances. I don’t mind the smell of sweat even if I move around with a part-time job for 8 hours 😅

It is also good for upper elementary school to junior high school students who start using deodorant!


JPY about ¥2,404
*The price in JPY changes according to the exchange rate.


Lemongrass, Lime and Frankincense
Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Rosemary
Geranium, Lavender and Lime
Cedar wood, Bergamot and Vetiver


Instagram: @coconutmatter
Twitter: N/A

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